Far-Right Groups in Israel Protest Ceasefire with Hamas

Far-right groups in Israel have strongly opposed the ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement between the Israeli government and Hamas. Protests took place outside the Knesset building in Jerusalem, where demonstrators called for the cancellation of the ceasefire and demanded continued military operations in Gaza.

Jan 17, 2025 - 16:37
 0  3865
Far-Right Groups in Israel Protest Ceasefire with Hamas
Photo taken from public sources

Protests and Their Impact

  • Slogans and Performances.
    Protesters chanted slogans against the ceasefire and staged scenes symbolizing the release of Palestinian prisoners to express their dissatisfaction with the deal.

  • Road Blockages.
    The demonstrations led to road closures and clashes with Arab drivers. Police largely refrained from intervening except in cases where traffic was completely disrupted.

Political Reaction

  1. Threats to Leave the Coalition.
    Far-right parties, including Itamar Ben-Gvir's Otzma Yehudit and Religious Zionism, have threatened to leave the governing coalition if the ceasefire agreement is approved.

  2. Demand for Continued Attacks.
    These parties insist on the necessity of further military action in Gaza, viewing the agreement as a concession to Hamas.

  3. Pressure on the Government.
    The political pressure from far-right factions has heightened tensions within the ruling coalition, threatening its stability.


Far-right opposition to the ceasefire exacerbates divisions within Israeli society. The government faces the challenge of balancing support for the agreement with maintaining coalition unity. However, the potential withdrawal of parties from the coalition could trigger a political crisis and jeopardize the peace process.

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