Chinese scientists have taken a step towards cracking cryptography using a quantum computer

Chinese researchers have announced progress towards hacking AES-256 using a quantum computer, but no complete hacking has occurred. Experts warn that quantum technologies are not yet ready for a real threat to encryption.

Oct 15, 2024 - 16:24
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Chinese scientists have taken a step towards cracking cryptography using a quantum computer
Photo taken from public sources

Chinese scientists from Shanghai University have made a significant step in exploring the capabilities of quantum computers to crack AES-256 encryption, one of the most secure standards used in banking systems, blockchain and military security. They used the "quantum annealing" method on the D-Wave quantum computer, but no complete hacking was achieved. Despite the alarming reports, experts point out that this technology is still not ready for real use to crack cryptography. Errors in calculations remain a significant obstacle to the full-fledged use of quantum computers in this field.

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