Chinese banks stop accepting payments from Russia

Chinese banks are massively refusing to accept payments from Russia. According to experts, more than 98% of Chinese banks have already suspended direct transactions from Russia, including small banks that had previously been actively cooperating with Russian business.

Aug 13, 2024 - 10:22
 0  4652
Chinese banks stop accepting payments from Russia
Photo taken from public sources

Chinese banks have begun to refuse to accept payments from Russia en masse, which has become a serious blow to Russian-Chinese economic relations. According to experts' calculations, more than 98% of financial institutions in the Celestial Empire have suspended direct transactions from Russia.

It is especially alarming that even small Chinese banks, which until a few months ago actively supported Russian business, are now also refusing to settle accounts with Russia. This may seriously hamper financial transactions and interaction between companies of the two countries.

The reasons for this mass refusal remain unclear, but analysts believe that it may be related to external pressure and sanctions risks. With Russia's growing economic isolation, this situation adds uncertainty to the future of economic relations between Russia and China. 

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