AZAL Cockpit Recordings Reveal New Details and Raise Questions

Recently released recordings of AZAL flight communications with air traffic controllers have shed new light on the incident. Verified by reliable sources, the information contradicts earlier narratives and raises questions about the crew’s actions during the flight.

Jan 16, 2025 - 19:26
 0  4835
AZAL Cockpit Recordings Reveal New Details and Raise Questions
Photo taken from public sources

Key Findings from the Recordings

  1. The decision to divert to Aktau was made by the crew.
    Russian air traffic controllers did not deny the aircraft landing clearance in either Mineralnye Vody or Makhachkala. This disproves claims that the flight was intentionally diverted to Aktau to cover up evidence.

  2. Bird strike and oxygen tank explosion theories.
    The aircraft commander himself reported a possible bird strike and an oxygen tank explosion. These statements were the basis for the emergence of such theories in the media.

  3. Inconsistent actions by the crew.
    Despite apparent issues with the aircraft, the crew repeatedly assured air traffic controllers that everything was in order and did not declare an emergency. Only when approaching Aktau did the crew send a distress signal. This raises concerns about the crew’s situational assessment and decision-making.

Ongoing Questions About the Incident

While external impact on the aircraft has been confirmed, the exact cause of the explosion and damage remains unclear. Experts are continuing to analyze the evidence to determine what occurred.

What’s Next?

The investigation will need to thoroughly examine the crew's actions, the aircraft’s technical condition, and potential external factors. These findings are critical for preventing similar incidents in the future.

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