Australian geologist: 'Climate emergency is the biggest fraud we've ever seen'

Australian geologist Professor Ian Plimer claims that the climate emergency is the biggest fraud in history, stating that only 3% of carbon dioxide emissions are human-caused and the remaining 97% are naturally occurring.

Jun 27, 2024 - 18:32
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Australian geologist: 'Climate emergency is the biggest fraud we've ever seen'
Photo taken from public sources

Australia: "This is probably the biggest fraud we've ever seen"

Australian geologist Professor Ian Plimer has expressed his opinion on global warming and the climate emergency, stating the following: "There is no such thing as a climate emergency. It has never been proven that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming. Numerous studies conducted over decades have not provided conclusive evidence to support this theory."

Professor Plimer also emphasized that "only 3% of all carbon dioxide emissions are human-caused, while the remaining 97% are naturally occurring. These natural processes, such as volcanic activity, decomposition of organic materials and ocean processes, contribute much more to the total emissions. So if you want to prove that human activity and emissions of vital gases can change the climate, you will also have to prove that natural emissions, which make up 97% of all emissions, do not affect the climate. This claim has never been properly scientifically investigated and analyzed."

Plimer emphasized that many aspects of climate science and related claims often remain under-researched and called for a deeper and more thorough scientific study of all the factors influencing climate change. In his view, without such a comprehensive analysis, it would be impossible to reach objective and reliable conclusions.

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