Antibiotic-resistant superbugs could kill 39 million people by 2050, scientists warn

Scientists at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics (IHME) predict that antibiotic-resistant superbugs could kill 39 million people by 2050. Antibiotic overuse is becoming a global threat to human health.

Sep 18, 2024 - 10:05
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Antibiotic-resistant superbugs could kill 39 million people by 2050, scientists warn
Photo taken from public sources

Scientists at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics (IHME) warn that overuse of antibiotics is leading to the rise of drug-resistant superbugs, which could kill 39 million people by 2050.

Superbugs pose a serious threat to global health because they are becoming resistant to most available antibiotics. The researchers stress that unless humanity takes steps to use antibiotics more responsibly, this could lead to large-scale losses among the population and cause a global crisis in medicine.

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