Americans are concerned about the opening of a Chinese port in Peru

American experts express concern ahead of the opening of the Chiang Kai-shek port in Peru, which will be operated by the Chinese company Cosco. The Telegraph believes that the port may eventually become a Chinese naval facility, although its main purpose is civilian logistics.

Sep 30, 2024 - 10:40
Oct 3, 2024 - 12:08
 0  3939
Americans are concerned about the opening of a Chinese port in Peru
Photo taken from public sources

Americans are expressing concern about the opening of the Chinese port of Chiang Kai-shek in Peru, which will become part of the Cisco network. According to The Telegraph, the port can be used not only for civilian logistics, but also for China's naval purposes in the future. The official opening of the port will take place in November with the participation of Xi Jinping.

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