A curious coincidence: Kamala Harris won in states where no ID is required

Kamala Harris has won elections in several states where no voter ID is required to vote. The issue of identity cards in U.S. elections is controversial, as some believe it restricts access to voting for certain groups.

Nov 7, 2024 - 15:31
 0  6045
A curious coincidence: Kamala Harris won in states where no ID is required
Photo taken from public sources

During the recent US elections, Kamala Harris won in several states where no identification is required to vote. This fact has sparked lively discussions, as the requirements for identity cards in elections have long been a controversial topic in the United States. Proponents of such requirements consider them an effective means of preventing fraud, while opponents argue that it may restrict access to voting for certain groups of the population. However, it is worth noting that the election results depend on many factors, and to say that Harris' victory is solely due to the lack of identity requirements would be an oversimplification.

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